Wednesday, March 18, 2015

One of Those Days

Ever have one of those days where you look at your kid and say "dang, he/she is so much like me?  Where do they get those little ticks and quirks?" It would be funny if you thought about it long enough...  I have always hated crowds.  So does Caleb.  He avoids them like a plague.  Just like me he is learning to adapt somewhat.  Extremely large crowds are a no go. Festivals and amusement parks are never an option.  He says he may want to go but shortly there after he will want to leave.  Parades are a no go too.  He claims its boring but that is just his way of wiggling out.  I am the same,  however at 44, I have learned to somehow move past the crowd and deal with it.  I have to have things a particular way and have loads of personal bubble space.  Picky eaters are we.  Caleb though is a better then me though,  he has more variety to his diet then me.  Sensitive, yep we are both sensitive.  Which makes it hard. The only difference is I have empathy and he lacks it which make my sensitivity worse, especially when he is in one of his moods and his mouth is aimed at me.  I admittedly have OCD and the only OCD moments Caleb has is to his clothes and shoes.  Sometimes guilt sets in and you wonder if there is something more you could have done and not pass you quirkiness on to your kid.  These are the questions that those pesky questionnaires ask you. And if...and if there is a diagnosis to be had, wouldn't you have it too?  Ah, sometimes you just gotta say,  who cares and embrace the things that make you You and the quicker you do that then you can find people who will too.

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