Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wandering Back.....

I honestly had good intentions on when I started this blog to share my thoughts on raising a child with Bi-Polar Disorder. I, however was caught up in the daily tasks of being his parent (not that my life is any less chaotic then any one else). Some days it just seemed that way. Being a single parent to two boys who are 8 years apart was no easy feat (being a parent isn't, I know) Then you add a couple of diagnosis of ADHD, Bi-Polar Disorder (with Mania), Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Autism Broad Spectrum (between the both of them). Pepper in the 504 Plans and IEP Meetings, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Medication Therapy, and both of them needed braces. Normal everyday parenting. I know my struggles are no different from anyone else (laughs, it just feels that way). So why come back after I dropped the blog and my adventures in parenting are almost done? Not really sure, I feel that maybe I have something to share. Some insights to offer? I survived. I know it seems weird to say that. I survived. It was hard, it was trying at times and some days are easier than others. And now we have one out of the house and one high school student still trying to find his way in this crazy world. The roller coaster ride doesn't end; it just changes. I was talking with my son the other day about the things we all have been through. He doesn't remember. How odd? Boy to think back to all the stuff we went through before he was diagnosed to all the calls from his First Grade teacher. The grey clouds that rolled in for no apparent reason. He still has his little quirks but cannot recall why he has them. Everything he does is just second nature. Little does he know that his second nature is something I gave to him when he was little and we worked hard to get it. Thinking back was another reason to start blogging again. I want something to show him later. We have had to had the "birds & the bees" talk and he says "don't worry, I don't want kids so yeah, there's that". I didn't want to push the issue because after all he still has plenty of time to rethink the whole no kids thing. But I was curious as to why he doesn't want kids. He simply said "I don't want them to be like me". Wow, that completely blew me away. Sure it was tough, I said, but I would not trade you for anything in the world. He smiled. I told him that there is nothing wrong with him, we all go through tough times with our children and whatever comes your way, you have the tools to handle it. There are days where he is like me and when you have those "that's so me" moments, you can relate. You actually know how to handle those situations a lot better than flying blind. That is true with any parent, not just a parent of a special needs child. So in short and so I can stop rambling (in my head, getting lost in thought) I will have this blog here as some record of roller coaster ride we journeyed on together. It has been worth the ride......

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